Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Riding in Snow..

Today I found out just how difficult it is to ride a bicycle in the snow --  the hard way..
I was supposed to go to a friend's house for the afternoon, just to watch a movie and chill out.. This friend lives like a few kilometers away from where I live.. It took all my energy in riding the bike and concentrating on not skidding and falling down!! I was completely out of breath in just 10minutes!! To add a cherry on top of the cake, my bicycle has no brakes! On the way back from my friend's, I rode directly into a snow bank! God, that was sooo embarrassing! But fun, too.. The moment I hit the snow, it felt AWEsome!!

Me and my friends were supposed to watch this movie called Bruno, but it was embarrassingly gay, having gay sex scenes n stuff, and we had the friend's parents among us, so we had to change the movie.. We ended up watching Mean Girls.. B-O-O-O-R-I-N-G!! But it was fun watching it with them! I guess, friends make everything better.. :)

Not being a Christian or from a Christian country sucks when it comes to festivals.. I've made sooooo many faux pas about Christmas gifts and cards that I'm totally thinking of burying myself in a hole.. I mean, everyone around me is exchanging gifts and cards and I'm standing there like a dummy saying "Oh! I forgot your gift/card at home!!" -- which, by the way, is completely true.. I shopped for Christmas in November itself.. :|

Today was also my cousin's birthday!! A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to her..!! I miss her sooooo much!! It would have been our cue to go partying today if I was at home, who cares about exams? :P
We did talk for about 90 minutes today, so it kinda made up for that..

Oh, and the reason for not blogging much was that 3 of my very good friends are back on the Yahoo! Messenger scene and I was kinda busy chatting with them.. :D

Oh, and now I'm also addicted to Naruto! yeah, laugh.. :|

I wish all of you people out there reading this a very Merry Christmas! and a prosperous New Year!!
Have fun in the holidays, people!! :)


  1. Bunnu This is the best Diary entry kind of Blog i have read by far
    Flawlessly and superbly written
    i'll referring this one in future as-well
    The flow of Blog is Fantastic it transits from the Snow cycling to movie to Friends to Christmas gifts so smoothly that u never Came to know when it really happened and in the end it brought a smile on your face reading

    I simply loved this entry
    Entertaining read

  2. Hey, I thought Bruno wouldn't be THAT bad!!! O.O Really disappointing... From now on, we only watch cartoons! Like South Park...

    But the card thing doesn't matter at all, you already wished merry x-mas and that's enough. Beside, you save the world when you don't buy cards.

    Oh yeah, Naruto is good until the filler season(s) come. And when... Mhh, don't know how much you've watched/read it.

  3. This was a nice read.. gave me laughs here and there.. esp the part where you bought Christmas gifts in November :p

    A genuine smile at 'I guess friends make everything better' :)

    Keep writing ..
