Monday, December 7, 2009

Questions and NO Answers.. :(

7th December, his Birthday.. It's been almost 2 weeks since we had a proper conversation.. And then too, we had a fight.. Was getting into a romantic relationship with my best friend a mistake on my part? Or is it the physical distance between us that's creating this problem? Is expecting an hour of his precious time a very big demand? My boyfriend, the one who claims to love me, can't spare just an hour a day for me.. I agree he's got his exams, but this is not the first time he;s got exams! I remember those days when we used to talk for hours on end during exam time.. And not just any exam.. We talked through both of our BOARD EXAMS! So, what's wrong now? Where did those late-night calls disappear to? I still remember those calls after 11pm in the night. Just because it was 10 times cheaper, we used to talk 10 times more.. There have been nights when we both went to sleep at 4am because we had been talking! What's wrong now?? Can't he spare one measly hour for me? And why the hell do we keep getting into fights? For a romance that's hardly 2months old, isn't this abnormal? Why doesn't he understand that he needs to give at least some of his time towards this relationship to make it last? And if he knew he wasn't going to be able to give me time, why the heck did he take the first step in the first place? Why not wait till I was back in India? Why not just shut up and let things be as they were? At least we were happy! By proposing me, he sent me beyond happiness, and then brought me crashing back down! Why did he do that?

~So many questions and I have no answers.. And no one to demand answers from, either.. Why does my life has to suck so much??

~Someone help me out! Should I keep calling him till he receives my call or should I cuddle my self-esteem close to me and wait till he calls and apologizes? I can't even concentrate on this particular problem properly because there are other, more important problems in my life for which I can't even seek help!

~I've spent many sleepless nights over this issue and I'm seriously fed up now.. Why are you doing this to me, M.. WHY??


  1. Bunnu dont think so much >:D<
    let things flow
    and yaar i really suck at these serious issues
    wait for chunnu's advice
    and as usual i m always der whenever u need me for anykind of support
    Love u loads
    take care
    and aise hi keep expressing urself
    man halka rahega

  2. That problem is familiar for me too. :/ We have been together about two years with my boyfriend and we have had a lot of stupid fights (even when we had been together only for a few months). They are annoying, but still very normal.
    Don't worry too much! And enjoy of the time that you will be here in Finland. ;)

    - Karoliina

    ..sorry my english sucks :D..

  3. aww prachi....cummon girl evn my bestie dint wish me on my bday dis year n it ws the worst bday i evr had!....nevr been the same after that goddamned day!

    but life goes on n so shud u naa...
    ab dekho m distracting yself in so many ways 2 b happy
    do the same>:D<
    keep smiling keep rocking!

  4. my mom hit me with jhaadu on my birthday :|:P shit happens..cant stop from shit happening ..can u ? :P
