Saturday, July 3, 2010

7 Things YOU Don't Know About ME..

I have been put up to this job by one of my best, and the most pestering, friend, Mayank.
Since, I have no other option and have to toil with it, Here goes.

1) I Don't Talk Much : Being a girl, people expect me to be talkative. After they get to know me, it's like 'Girl, say something!! I'm outta topics!' But once I start talking about something, I won't stop! Then it's like, 'Okay! I get your point. Now STFU!!!' :P
But there are 2 people who will swear over their life that I'm chattering non-stop, 24x7. My mom and my cousin + best friend, Surabhi. When I tell others about this, they are like, 'Yeah, right!' :-|

2) I'm a hard-core Patriot : India is my country and I love it. Say anything bad about my country in front of me, and you are gonna regret it for a long long time. I mean it. Jai Hind!!
♥ ♥

3) I Think Very Low Of Myself : I will never ever praise myself in front of anyone, unless it's just jokingly. I always think I suck at almost everything and others have to keep telling me that that's not the case. I have a Love-Hate relationship going on with myself. I hate this side of me, but can't help it. :P

4) I SUCK at Making First Impressions : My first impressions of people are always wrong. Sometimes, I easily trust people who are completely untrustworthy. Have faced numerous problems and heartbreaks because of this. Also, I never get friends who are like me. My friends are mostly complete opposites of me.

5) I HATE Bad Grammar : I get irritated real fast when I have to read stuff with bad grammar and sucky punctuations. And I hate people with bad grammar. If you can't talk proper English, please don't attempt some to impress someone with your grammatical nightmare!

6)  I Love Animals with a Passion : I love animals more than I love some of the closest people in my life. That's the way I am. But, I kinda hate cats.. :-|

7) I SUCK At Expressing Myself : I Love my family, but I can never express it to them. Also, I may like a guy ever since I first talked to him. Over the time, I might even become his best friend, but even in his wildest dreams he won't think that I have a crush on him! I suck! :-|

8) I Can't Stop : I can't stop this at 7 things. This list will go on for at least 14 things now.. :P

9) I'm a Manga/Anime Fan : Not even my closest friends know this. All of them consider mangas and animes uncool and childish, but I love them. I'm a big fan of Naruto, Death Note and Bleach. Have started reading One Piece and I like Gin Tama a lot too. :D

10) I am REALLY LAZY : Yeah, I'm very very lazy at times. Well, most of the times. I hate to do what I'm told to do. I like individuality. I hate it when I have word to word instructions. I prefer to skip tasks at times just coz they are cumbersome and not really relevant.

11) I Hate Being the Center of Attention : I'd rather be the King's most trusted advisor than the King himself. I think that there is more space and comfort out of the spotlight. But sometimes, I do crave for attention. Only sometimes.. :P

12) I'm Fiercely Loyal : I'm really loyal to people I care about. I'll never go telling secrets of my friends to anyone else. I'll always be there as long as any of my dear friends want me to be. I'll almost never betray anyone's trust for any reason. I've been at the receiving end of betrayals too many times and that has changed me.

13) I'm a FRIENDS Maniac : Rachel, Ross, Chandler, Monica, Joey and Phoebe are my biggest stressbusters. I Love them all..

14) I'm a very Teary Person : There are tears in my eyes when I'm sad. There are tears in my eyes when I'm really really Happy and there are tears in my eyes when I'm really angry. I'm not a crying person. I hardly ever cry. But there are a lot of tears in my eyes. It's some kind of a genetic glitch, I think. :P

Okay, this List has been dragged for too long. I've completed my task and now I'll pass this baton to 
YOU. Please be kind, write a blog on this topic and make someone else write a blog on this topic too.. (it's some kind of a chain blog. They get these chains everywhere these days. *rolls eyes* )
Thanks for bearing with me.. :P
Comments will be appreciated.
Till the next time..


  1. well i almost knew most of the things :D
    but not that you are teary :P
    i guess most of the scorpios are :P

    and i guess i am the getting the flack for bad grammar :P

    ad you should start thinking high of your self :|

    Take care

  2. i knew all the above things about you:D
    and yup, i totally disagree with the first one
    though i knew you would mention that:P

    your friend(forever)

  3. woah..

    Ok firstly.. this sure tells me something new about you :P I guess most scorpions are that way.. {except the 'i-think-low-of-myself' issue.. no wonder u're the only scorpion i made friends with :D ask mayu and he'll tell u i hate scorpions for their attitude :|}..

    And hey! I dinno you tagged me in here lol! Okay will get to it :| ASAP.

    >:D< U're still a very amazing person :) ! I love you ! :D

  4. Girl!!! :D You and I are bang on alike!! ;)

    Except for the teary part (It's ironic. I'm a Piscean and I don't cry at all), Manga fan, expressing yourself and thinking low of oneself.. Save these, we are mirrors for each other :))

    Love you :) :*

  5. arre mast hai :P dont worry yaar..we love u :D :P

  6. Well, I learned a lot about you from here :P

  7. Haha :P
    You are almost like me ;)
    Scorpios and Sagittarians are somewhat similar :P You people are lot more serious than us ;)
    Awesome post Prachi :D

    Way to go!

  8. hamne sab padha lekin comment yahaN hi kar rahe....u have a style...bahut smooth aur catchy language..:)loved it.. keep it up. :)
